
The Unburden Journey

The Unburden Journey

Published May 20 2023

It all started with a simple challenge

to create a Women’s Day campaign that revolved around the theme of “embracing equity” and engaged IPCs, SLTs, and tenants. But as we began delving deeper into the topic of equity, we realized that it was not a subject that was widely discussed. We then embarked on a journey to truly understand the meaning of equity and how it differs from equality.

We learned that equity is not just about treating everyone equally, but rather about acknowledging that individuals have different needs and starting points. It recognizes that certain groups, like women, have historically faced discrimination and strives to provide equal opportunities to level the playing field. This is where our campaign, Unburden, came into the picture. It aimed to unshackle women from the weight of gender-based stereotypes and empower them to embrace equity in its truest sense.

After many brainstorming sessions and multiple cups of coffee, we finally had our eureka moment when we stumbled upon an old school poster. These posters were a common sight in every stationery shop back in the day. However, as we looked closer, we realized how many stereotypes against women still exist in society today. Women are reminded of these stereotypes on a daily basis and are often boxed into certain expectations just because of their gender. We wanted to create a campaign that would unburden women from these stereotypes and restore their confidence.

And thus, Unburden was born. Our goal was four-fold :

1. To make people realize what stereotypes exist

2. How they affect women

3. Show the reality behind these stereotypes

4. Eventually unburden women.

We decided to use a tech-savvy approach and created an AR filter on Instagram that flipped the image and showed the reality behind each illustration on the poster.

Loved working with the amazing team at Tagglabs. It took some time to crack this illustration style and that’s when Arushi Gupta stepped in and remarkably reproduced the same style as the ideal boy/girl poster. Everything starting from the logo unit to the fonts was inspired and reproduced in a retro, old-school style.

We also had huge installations of this poster set up at all Intellion Offices by Tata Realty.

These posters only showed the stereotypes, making them quite attention-grabbing.

Additionally, we sent ergonomically designed scroll boxes containing our OG poster to women leaders in the real estate industry to ensure SLT engagement.

The campaign was set to go live on the 6th of March, but we were hit with a major setback when our filter was still under Instagram review till the evening of the 5th of March. We were almost on the brink of calling off the campaign. But to our relief, we received the approval on our filter at 6.29 pm on the 5th of March.

Once the campaign went live, people across all Intellion assets responded quite enthusiastically. We saw a huge gathering of people around the installations, as people were intrigued to witness our audacity to put up posters with just the stereotypes on them. It was only when people followed the drill, that they saw the reality and had their “Aaahh!” moment. Women strongly agreed with what we had shown, and many rational-headed men too!

Our intention was always to start a conversation, which we did, with utmost grace and subtlety! And we believe that we achieved our goal with the Unburden campaign.

Signing off

Navya Dhir

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